Building a brand
at the intersection of technology & Infrastructure

Strategy, identity, positioning, and communications for Sidewalk Infrastructure Partners, an Alphabet-backed holding company.

Sidewalk Infrastructure Partners (SIP) is building future-proofed systems that use technology to meet evolving societal needs. SIP is a parent company to five portfolio companies or “innovation platforms”. Projects include the construction of specialized roads for self-driving cars – Cavnue, the implementation of technology to help cities build 5G wireless networks – CoFi, non-profit championing public-private partnerships in the United States – , among others.

As SIP’s Director of Design, Leigh branded and crafted all pitch materials to launch and raise $1.4 billion from among the world’s leading pension fund investors. To communicate SIP’s unprecedented vision, Leigh developed a creative narrative approach uncommon in the investment/holding company sector.

Subsequently, Leigh created a brand strategy and identity for five portfolio companies across mobility, sustainable energy, and telecommunications. Deliverables include logos, comprehensive brand guidelines, websites, presentations, RFPs, white papers, event branding, and summit presentations.

Leigh directed the execution of each brand’s bespoke strategy as they funnel up into SIP as a parent brand. To communicate a vision for the future Leigh managed and directed top consultants such as Squint Opera, Try Studios, and Kilograph, in addition to a group of talented freelance consultants.


Sidewalk Infrastructure Partners seeks to revolutionize how infrastructure is built leveraging technology to push beyond the status quo.


Quantum Mechanics

At the core of SIP’s brand is the quantum mechanics expression of the bra-ket notation.

In quantum mechanics, the bra–ket notation is used ubiquitously to denote quantum states.

A ket mathematically denotes a vector in an abstract vector space and physically it represents a state of a quantum system.

A bra mathematically denotes a linear map that maps each vector in to a number in the complex plane.


Translating to web

In the SIP’s brand the abstract vector space can be seen as the iridescent 3D cube which complex problems (transit deserts, digital divide, plastic waste, and grid failures) are projected into to be solved. Seen on the site, a modern infrastructure problem is inserted into the bra-ket notation which forces the cube to spin and reveal the platform. The viewer is then guided deeper to learn more about the solutions proposed.

Portfolio Company:

Solving Roads


Conveying future technology relies on the imagination of the viewer. The website features an animation that straddles capturing the imagination of viewers yet reassures them of safety in the technology.


Portfolio Company:

Solving Connectivity


Portfolio Company:

Solving Public-private partnerships



Designed to highlight innovative infrastructure projects across the United States reducing emissions and fighting climate change. Graphically, each project has been rendered in a muted minimal treatment to put each project in the same visual “world” featuring thematic colors used to highlight the innovation at hand.